All My Blog Posts

A guide on comparing Map vs Objects in Javascript
#javascript #map #object

JS Maps; the ugly step sibling of Objects

A guide on comparing Map vs Objects in Javascript

An explanation of sort() and using it with a custom compare function
#javascript #sort #leetcode2724

The JS Sort() Function

An explanation of sort() and using it with a custom compare function.

Returning an grouped array with a custom groupBy() method
#javascript #arrays #leetcode2631

Returning a subarray group in JS

Returning an grouped array with a custom groupBy() method

How to return a chunked array from an array of a certain size.
#javascript #arrays #leetcode2677

Returning a Chunk Array in JS

How to return a chunked array from an array of a certain size.

An example of a function that returns a result once and then returns undefined afterwards.
#javascript #functions #leetcode2666

Allow One Function Call

An example of a function that returns a result once and then returns undefined afterwards.

An explanation of setTimeout() and a use case.
#javascript #async #leetcode2715

Timeout Cancellation

An explanation of setTimeout() and a use case when cancelling an action.

An example of a JS closure
#javascript #closures #leetcode2620

An example of JS Closures with inner & outer functions

An example of a JS closure returning a subsequent value when an inner function is invoked

An example of dot notation used in a JS function.
#javascript #higher-order functions #leetcode2704

Dot notation used within a JS function

An example of dot notation used in a JS function.

An example of function composition in JS
#javascript #functions #leetcode2629

Function Composition Example

An example of function composition in JS

An explanation how promises work in ES6
#javascript #promises

How Javascript Promises Work

An explanation how promises work in ES6

Short guide on JS scopes and the JS compiler
#javascript #scopes

How Javascript Scopes Work

Short summary on scope and the JS compiler

A guide on the different types of Javascript Scopes
#javascript #scopes

Types of Javascript Scopes

A guide on the different types of Javascript Scopes

A short explanation of how closures work
#javascript #closures

How Javascript Closures Work

A short explanation of how closures work